Your decision to obtain pet health insurance for your pet can make a major difference in his/her overall health, longterm.
Whether your new furry friend is a puppy, kitten or even an adopted adult dog or cat, pet insurance can protect them from future health incidents. Ensuring the health of your pet with pet insurance means he/she can live life to the fullest with you and your family!
When should I buy pet insurance to get the best price and coverage?
The sooner the better! As soon as you welcome a pet into your family, you should consider buying pet insurance ASAP. You are better off purchasing pet insurance early into your pet ownership so that you can get ahead of any costly conditions or treatment and care.
In general, the younger your pet is, the more package deals plans will be available to you. For example, there is generally incentive to purchase pet insurance for puppies or kittens. When you have a puppy or kitten, there are certain basic care requirements that are anticipated directly after welcoming this new pet into your home. There are neutering/spaying surgeries and core vaccines (known as the DHLPP shots), for example, that may be required. These puppy/kitten specific plans will often offer these essential services at a cheaper price than if you paid out of pocket for each individual procedure.
How soon does pet health insurance take effect?
Pet health insurance does not take effect immediately. This is put into place in order to prevent pet owners from attempting to have pre-existing conditions or diagnoses covered by the new health insurance policy. How long you will have to wait in order to use the pet health insurance will depend entirely on your insurance carrier and the specific plan that you have selected.
Can you get immediate pet health insurance?
No. Again, this is a rule set in place in order to prevent attempts to work around the fact that no pet health insurance carrier will cover treatment or care for pre-existing conditions.
Can you get pet insurance while your pet is in the hospital?
Yes. However, the policy purchased will not cover whatever has brought your dog or cat to the animal hospital. The policy also will not immediately take effect, meaning it may be weeks or even months before you will begin to claim ensuing veterinary care.
Can you get pet health insurance before surgery?
Yes and no. Ideally, it is best to acquire pet health insurance before you are notified that your pet requires a surgery. In that case, if you have not already received such a diagnosis, you will be able to obtain health insurance prior to the need for surgery. But if you have already received notice of the necessity of the surgery, then you will not be able to get pet health insurance to cover this matter.